Six weeks ago when I went for my yearly exam, my blood pressure was higher than I would like for it to be even taking my bp medication. This morning it was higher than ever, but I had not taken my bp med because of the fasting. I guess I'm going to have to really watch the sodium intake more than I have for the past 6 weeks. My triglycerides have gone down because I've practically cut out refined sugar altogether, but I guess I'm going to have to cut it out totally because that number is still not where we need for it to be. My total cholesterol had come down and so had the LDL's and other things and they are closer to where they need to be, except for the triglycerides. The lipid nurse was going to put me on an additional medication called triglide or something like that to lower my triglycerides. She said that one of the side effects was it might cause me to have an upset stomach. I told her I have enough trouble with that already and I really didn't want to take it if I didn't have to. She said that I could get omega-3 fish oil caplets and take those. I went to Walmart and bought some, but they are HUGE. I don't know if I can take pills that huge or not. And then there is the fishy aftertaste or oder issue. Will that make me queasy too? So much to think about. I'm obsessing, I know. I did some research and found that flaxseed and/or walnuts added to salads, baked potatoes, etc. will give me enough omega-3's from my food, so I wonder now if I can get enough omega-3's from food without have to take the horse pills?
I guess I'm just really bummed out because I feel like I've been trying and there doesn't seem to be the improvement I had hoped for. I guess I haven't been trying hard enough, so now it's time to get down to the nitty gritty and really get serious.
On a lighter note, last week Eddie and I went to the quilt show in Nashville. Well, I did. Eddie spent about 6 hours in the pool and hot tub at the hotel while I was at the quilt show. I really enjoyed it. I learned alot and came away with some good information. I took a class from Linda Pool and learned how to do dimensional quilting. We made this pretty Victorian Lady.
I don't feel like I got her hair quite right, but overall I'm happy with her. It was fun to learn something new.
I also bought a kit and made this scarecrow wall hanging.
I haven't quilted it yet, but now my attention has turned to crocheting. I've been working on a couple of shawls that I will post pictures of later.
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