Saturday, October 04, 2014

Ana Strumpf Re.Cover Magazine Covers

Last week I learned about some really pretty, quirky magazine covers made by Brazilian designer Ana Strumpf.  She takes covers from fashion magazines such as Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Playboy, Elle and several others, and enhances them with her own drawings using Sharpies and Decoart markers.  Here are a few examples of her work:

I love these covers and, like with most everything else I see, I wondered, can I do this?  Of course I can do this.  All it is, is sharpies and markers.  I did some research and learned that she sells hers for around $1,500 each.  Now, I'm not dumb enough to believe that I could ever sell mine for that or that I could sell them at all.  In fact, I probably couldn't sell them.  Why?  Because I'm not a Brazilian designer and I don't have the connections she has.  But, that doesn't mean that I can't  have some fun with mine, and dream about having my own exhibition some day and maybe someone will like them enough to want to buy one.  I would not be greedy about it.  I would sell mine for much less than $1,500 each.  And, the ones I do will be mine, not replicas of hers.  So, with that in mind, I would like to share a few that I've done in the past few days.  Mine are not perfect at all.  I have only done a couple of actual magazine covers.  I discovered that I had a few lying around from a few months ago.  I also enhanced a couple of pages from the magazines rather than the covers.  Here is my interpretation of this art form.

The first 2 are magazine pages, rather than covers.  I had alot of fun making these.  Mine are not professional looking at all, but I plan to practice and hopefully get better.  At some point, I'm going to put them in frames and, who knows, I might be able to get them in an art show of some kind in my town.