Yesterday Heckle came in to help me. This is his contribution to the job.
I would love to have done was he was doing, but that would have been the easy way out and it wouldn't have gotten the job done. I'm making pretty good headway. At least I can see the floor now.
In between painting the bedroom and cleaning the sewing room, I took a few breaks just to get myself away from the work. I made a few sling purses. I like these because when I go someplace where I know I will do a lot of walking I don't like to lug around my heavy purse. With these small purses I can just put some money, maybe a credit card and my driver's license and I'm all set. They are not too heavy for a lot of walking. These first two I used a pattern and sewed them on the sewing machine. The next two I crocheted.
I really enjoyed making these. They were fun, quick and easy to make. A couple of years ago I made this crazy quilt purse. It was fun too, and was my first attempt at making anything crazy quilt, and using clasps for the top of the purse. It was not fun and I don't think I got the clasps on as well as I would like, so I'm pretty sure I won't be making anymore with clasps. I like the flaps alot better. They are easier to make.
Some more things that I made that I think I forgot to post a picture of here were the hatpins I was talking about a couple of weeks ago. They are really fun to make too. I wanted something pretty to go in our new bedroom and I'm really happy with the way these came out.